Frequently asked questions and answers about studying at Futuregames

Higher Vocational Education (YH)

How do I apply to an education?

First, go to EDUCATIONS to check what educations we offer. You can use our filters for fields of education, educations hosted online or on site etc.

After clicking an education, you’ll find a red button reading “APPLY NOW”. You will also need to check the prerequisites for the education, as well as the special selection exam, and other materials needed to send a complete application.

If the education is not open to application, you can leave us a note of interest and we can contact you when applications are accepted again.

How do your game projects in Futuregames work?

Futuregames collaborates with leading game companies who initiate, carry out, and evaluate the projects. These are conducted both at school and at the game companies.

How does the school cooperate with the industry?

The school cooperates through the education’s respective Boards of Education, and through internships. We are also in contact with former students and conduct industry meetings with our priority businesses.

Our educational programs are developed in close collaboration with the game industry.

Can one work full-time during the education?

That varies from person to person! Some handle a full-time job in addition to an education, and some do not. Although if you attend one of our full-time educations, we expect you to set aside about 40 hours per week for lectures and studies, whereof about 12-15 hours consist of lectures and supervision. The rest of the time will be spent on self-studies, group assignments, project work, assignments, etc.

What previous knowledge do I need to attend your educations?

That varies depending on the education! The previous knowledge needed for a specific education can be found under “QUALIFICATIONS” at the respective education site. Some educations require proof of work experience. The basic qualification for all educations is upper-secondary admission requirements for higher vocational education. Some educations require specific qualifications, for example:
Swedish 2
English 6
Mathematics 2
Programming 1

How often are you meant to be at school?

Normally, most lectures are carried out at school if you are attending an on-site education, i.e. ca. 18 hours per week. The school also offers group rooms for you and your fellow students.


Is the education in Swedish or English?

At Futuregames, English is our standard language for all educations. At Changemaker Educations, Swedish is the standard language, but some education may be in English. This usually depends on what lecturers are working with us, or if the class inquires about it.

Will we get help in finding a LIA (learning in work environment)?

Yes! Each Head of Education is in regular contact with the industry regarding potential LIA-placements. Our students look for and apply to LIA on their own, and to that end they get all the support they need. For example: individual coaching from industry experts in building their portfolio, CVs, cover letter, digital presence, ongoing tips regarding LIA-placements from the Head of Education, contact with the Board of Education, etc.

How often will we be doing group assignments?

Our lecturers give group assignments usually at least once per course, or more, depending on the duration of the course.

What is the selection exam?

The selection exam, also called special exam or work exam, is usually written, and in some cases more a self-assessment than a traditional exam. We evaluate these selection exams based on a number of criteria, and based on the points make further selections if there are more applicants than open spots for an education.

How can I get in touch with you?

Our exchange number is: 08-33 60 15
Our email is: info@futuregames.se

Phone numbers and email addresses for every location can be found at the bottom of the page. You can also find contact information for Heads of Education at their respective websites.

When is the next Open House?

Stay on top of things HERE at our news-site to see when we’ll host another event.

What personal equipment will I need?

That depends on which education you’re attending, but usually, you’ll need a laptop capable of modern levels of performance, i.e. max. 2 years old.

For our game educations, for example, you will have access to classrooms with fully equipped gaming computers. However, please note that students in the Game UX Designer program will need to provide their own computer.

What do I need to prepare before school starts?

Make sure you have the equipment, course literature, etc., required to attend your education. Apply ahead of time for student funding via CSN. Read our student handbook; check the education syllabus and the semester plan.

Which educations can I attend online?

All students are required to attend physically, and at present we only offer completely remote education for some of our short courses.

However, please note that all full-time educations at Futuregames are blended learning combining online interactive educational materials and traditional on-site, classroom teaching.

Can I take multiple educations at once?

Yes. You have the right to take multiple educations concurrently. But it is important that you plan well and manage your time, so that you can attend multiple parallel educations. We do not recommend taking two full-time educations simultaneously (adding up to 80 hours per week) because lectures and group projects will collide.

How do I apply for student funding with CSN?

Log in to your pages at CSN and apply there. It is important that you then have information regarding exact dates and number of YH-credits for each semester.

What type of diploma will I get?

From our longer YH-educations, you receive a Higher Vocational Education DiplomaFrom our Folk high school educations and diploma courses, you receive a diploma or certificate of study.