"The Agile Project Manager program has been very valuable for me."
Milad Omari is an alumnus of the Agile Project Manager program. Today, he works as a project manager at Vattenfall. (In Swedish)
Do you want to learn more about agile project management and take the next step in your leadership? The business world needs leaders who are ready to elevate to the next level. With our Agile Project Manager training, you will grow in your leadership skills and gain the tools to manage development, change, and business acumen!
This program provides you with a solid foundation in agile methods and plan-driven project management. You will learn how to lead projects, teams, and development. You will also be able to facilitate workshops, both digitally and in person. You will become the driving force behind processes at your future workplace! Throughout the program, you will continuously work in teams on relevant cases, where participants take turns leading the team. Many of our students have prior work experience – often in leadership roles – and bring these experiences with them to further develop their leadership skills.
Want to work with agile project management, which is primarily used in IT where the role is rapidly growing
Want to work primarily with customer relations or closely with management to improve processes within project teams
Want to be responsible for evaluating processes and updating workflows based on projects and needs
The demand for flexible and modern leadership in a rapidly changing job market is continuously growing. In the IT & Telecom sectors alone, it is estimated that at least 70,000 people will need to be hired in the coming years (according to the Swedish IT & Telecom companies’ report “The IT Skills Shortage”), with project management being one of the most sought-after skills. This program meets the recruitment needs of the job market and provides the competence profile you need to develop in an exciting and dynamic leadership role. Our lecturers are some of the most knowledgeable in their industries, specializing in agile methodology, SCRUM, business development, leadership, and project models.
This profession is rapidly growing, and the skills are needed not only in IT but also in other industries and the public sector. Examples of job titles and roles you may pursue after graduation include;
As part of the program, you will participate in an internship – LIA (Learning in the Workplace). The internship lasts for three months and accounts for 25 percent of the program. The LIA deepens your learning and provides valuable work experience.
For companies: Are you looking for an intern with skills in agile leadership for the fall? Contact Miriam Skogsäng Lund for more information: miriam.lund@cmeducations.se
You are welcome to apply if you have a high school diploma with:
or equivalent qualifications.
Equivalent knowledge can be acquired in many different ways; you may have pursued further studies or gained comparable knowledge through work experience. In that case, you may be able to apply based on real competence. It is important that you can provide evidence of how you acquired the equivalent knowledge.
Regarding the one-year related work experience, you may already have held a position in your current role where you led people in your daily work and now want to learn more about agile methodologies. Alternatively, you may already have some IT knowledge and are somewhat familiar with the methodologies, but want to learn more about leadership.
Examples of fields and job titles that meet the requirements for work experience include:
Please note that the above are only examples. If you have equivalent experience that you believe is relevant to the program, you are welcome to submit your application for evaluation.
Work Certificate
When work experience is part of the eligibility requirement, it is important to be able to verify your experience, for example, through a work certificate.
To be accepted and registered, the certificate must clearly include:
The certificate must also include your personal information and be dated and signed by the employer.
Please note that an employment contract cannot be used to verify work experience.
Want to know more about eligibility?
If you do not have grades in Swedish, English, or Mathematics, you may be offered to take an eligibility test. Read more here.
You can read more about eligibility here.
You are welcome to visit our page about the admissions process,
where you will find all the information you need about applying:
For Swedish nationals: This course is eligible for CSN. Please apply on their website at www.csn.se.
As soon as you have received your offer letter from Futuregames, you can apply for CSN. If you need extra documentation from the school, please contact your course manager.
The school reports to CSN regularly to verify that students are continuing their studies, as part of the agreement between CSN and each student.
Educational board
Your program has an educational board that ensures quality and makes decisions on admissions and examinations. The educational board meets twice per semester. One or more students are included in the board, representing all students in the program.
The educational board consists of representatives from the business sector, school leadership, the public education system, universities/colleges, industry organizations, and the students. One of the board’s tasks is to ensure that the program covers the skills and knowledge areas that meet the needs of the job market..
The management team for Agile Project Manager currently includes:
Anna von Walzel, Avaus
Carina Höyheim, Metier (chairman)
David Leander, Nox Consulting
Elis Örjes, SSAB
Helena Walin, Avega
Ludvig Myrenberg, Franska skolan/lärarbyrån
Miriam Skogsäng Lund, Futuregames
Vadim Feldman, Sensemake AB
Linda Grundberg, Folksam
Nina Amjadi, North Kingdom
Valentino Padjand, ATG
Daniel Tollstorp, Knowit
International Applicants
Applications are now open!! To apply, please proceed to our international student application page
Nordic Applicants
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