Discover Futuregames Talents!

The TING : Student Recruitment Week

Futuregames best 3D Art, Game Design, Game Programmers, QA/Game Testers, Project Management talents are looking for a 30-week internship!

Contact us at ting@futuregames.nu for more information.

Discover the best 3D Art, Game Design, Game Programmers, QA/Game Testers, Project Management talents looking for a 30-week internship from Futuregames!


“The Ting”: A week-long event where games studios from around the world get to meet our super talented students to find an intern, present their studio, or  just get to know us!

Our students are looking for 30-week internships.

  • All participating studios will receive links to student portfolios, 3 weeks before The TING
  • Once you have decided who you would like to meet, we will set up individual sessions with the respective students.
  • You can sign up to speak with as many students as you like with no commitment, and we will do the rest of the work.

The internships can be paid or unpaid, and of course we will guide you through what is needed to support a student during their practical placement.

To get the ball rolling, contact us at ting@futuregames.nu.We are always on hand to help with any practical details!

Get inspired! Check out our students’ games here.

Read interviews with students and studios at TING here


PLEASE NOTE: The total number of spaces and timeslots for The TING is limited, and we will process applications on a first-come first-served manner. To avoid disappointment, please register your interest soonest possible! If we are unable to find a spot for you, we will, of course, try our very best to accommodate your request at a later date!

The Viking ’ting’ was in fact a meeting that could last days to solve problems, organize work and discuss ideas. There was often a market, a court, and a chance for a massive get-together. Some historians saw it as one of the origins of modern democratic parliament and a sort of rave party. Our ‘ting’ is a chance for our students to show off what they can do, build contacts, create networks, and find companies for their 30-week long internships before setting sail into their professional voyage.

Contact Us

Lars Österberg

Site Manager Futuregames Stockholm


Our Partners

These are companies, who take our interns, are active in our educational board and advise us what should we teach you, so that our education responds market needs.