Experience Designer

Om Utbildningen

Learn to create digital experiences based on the user's needs!

The demand for the role of Experience Designer is rapidly increasing across all sectors. User experiences, sustainable business models, and digital innovation are at the heart of development.

Learn UX and Experience Design

In UX and Experience Design, there is a strong focus on user-centered design. This is because understanding the user is fundamental to creating truly great, simple, and enjoyable experiences for people.

During the program, you will learn how to design concepts and solutions based on user data. The program also has a unique focus on gamification and game psychology, where you will learn how to apply game thinking to other products and services.


The Experience Designer program is aimed at you who:

  Want to play a crucial role in creating both digital and physical products that are user-friendly and engaging

  Want to put the user at the center and ensure the best possible experience

  Want to develop your collaboration skills with other team members to ensure the final product meets both user and company goals

  Want to understand the business value of the product

Skills you develop through the program

• You will gain knowledge of user-centered design and how design processes work
• You will learn how to prioritize and design based on user data
• You will be provided with tools to manage projects from start to finish using agile project methods and effective feedback systems
• You will gain an understanding of business value and what drives design development forward
• You will learn about gamification and game psychology and how it can be applied to other services
• You will acquire knowledge of the difference between UI and UX
• You will learn to use programs such as Figma, Miro, and Adobe Creative Cloud

Constant demand for skills in UX and Experience Design

Today, it is common to talk about UX design when it comes to digital products and services such as websites and apps, but the fact is that we humans encounter many experiences daily that are facilitated by good design. Examples include how the button panel in an elevator is designed or how easily the trunk of a car opens.

The common denominator for good UX is that the better the design, the less we notice it as users. It’s often only when it doesn’t work that we stop and get frustrated by how poorly something is designed. This brings us to the business benefit of good UX. No company wants to offer its customers products and services that don’t meet expectations. Competition is fierce among companies in most markets, and satisfied customers win. Even public authorities must ensure that all citizens can navigate essential information and services. The importance of putting the user at the center drives the demand for skills in UX and Experience Design.

An education that offers several career opportunities

The profession is rapidly advancing and is not only needed within IT but also in other industries and public sectors. Examples of job titles and roles available to you after graduation include:

  • Experience Designer
  • Interaction Designer
  • UX Designer
  • User Researcher
  • Gamification Designer


LIA – An incredible opportunity during your education

As part of your education, you will undertake LIA (Lärande i arbete, praktik, internship) with leading industry companies. During the LIA, you deepen your learning and gain the work experience needed to develop today’s and tomorrow’s customer experiences and business value. You build your network and create relationships with future employers even during your studies. We collaborate with a range of companies and e-commerce platforms regarding LIA, industry events, lectures, recruitment, and management group work. You set the bar for how far you want to go during your two years with us!



10YHP / 2v
Agil projektmetodik
10YHP / 2v
Analytics och Statistik
15YHP / 3v
ARG - Alternate Reality Game
20YHP / 4v
20YHP / 4v
Experience design
25YHP / 5v
15YHP / 3v
LIA - Lärande i Arbete
100YHP / 20v
Programmering för Experience Design
20YHP / 4v
Projekt 1
15YHP / 3v
Projekt 2
20YHP / 4v
Projekt 3
20YHP / 4v
25YHP / 5v
Service Design
10YHP / 2v
15YHP / 3v
Spelpsykologi och spelifiering
15YHP / 3v
User research
20YHP / 4v
User testing
10YHP / 2v
UX och game thinking
10YHP / 2v
Way of working
10YHP / 2v


You are welcome to apply if you have a high school diploma with:

  • English 6
  • Swedish 2

or equivalent qualifications.

Equivalent knowledge can be acquired in many different ways; you may have pursued further studies or gained comparable knowledge through work experience. In that case, you may be able to apply based on real competence. It is important that you can provide evidence of how you acquired the equivalent knowledge.



Want to know more about eligibility?

You can read more about eligibility here.

If you don’t have grades in Swedish or English, you may be offered to take an eligibility test. Read more about the eligibility test here.


Hur ansöker du

You are welcome to visit our page about the admissions process,

where you will find all the information you need about applying:

Go to How to Apply »


Utbildningen är CSN-berättigad. Du kontaktar själv CSN med förfrågan om studiemedel. Gå in på www.csn.se.

Så snart du har fått ditt antagningsbesked kan du ansöka om studiemedel från CSN. Behöver du intyg från skolan så kontaktar du din utbildningsledare. Skolan rapporterar löpande till CSN att du fullföljer dina studier. Du får dina YH-poäng löpande efter godkända kurser och är därigenom berättigad till fortsatt studiestöd. Om du inte fullföljer dina studier behöver du omgående meddela detta till CSN. Avtalet mellan dig och CSN är inget som skolan ansvarar för, men vi hjälper dig gärna när du behöver intyg eller har frågor. Kontakta din utbildningsledare.


Educational Board

Your program has an educational board that ensures quality and makes decisions on admissions and examinations. The educational board meets twice per semester. One or more students are included in the board, representing all students in the program.
The educational board consists of representatives from the business sector, school leadership, the public education system, universities/colleges, industry organizations, and the students. One of the board’s tasks is to ensure that the program covers the skills and knowledge areas that meet the needs of the job market.

The educational board for the Experience Designer education includes:

Marjan Dolatkhahan, UX-designer at Arbetsförmedlingen, chairman since 2023
Simon Bergqvist, Managing Director Agera Games AB
Linda Ryan Bengtsson, Assistant Professor in Media Communication Studies Karlstad Universitet
Patrick Standfast, co-founder and Managing Director at The Great Journey
Charlotta Stensson, VD Bulldozer AB
Jan Bidner, Digital Strategist at Dizparc
Ina Bäckström, Head of Design at Insert Coin
Ersan Churuklu, Senior Product Designer at Cygni AB
Rebecca Lindmark, UX designer at RISE (Research Institute of Sweden)
Elinor Qvant, Head of UX and Design at Voyado
Lotta Saxe, Chief Operating Officer (COO/Byråchef) Knack Rekrytering AB
Linda Stenmark, Design Lead at Mum Consulting Group
Sol Vikström, Digital Design Strateg at Swedish Industrial Design Foundation (SVID)
Robin Klint, Community Manager at The Great Journey
Robin Bräck, IT-teacher at Karlstad Fria Läroverk



Dominique Lecapre

Head of Education
Experience Designer


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