What´s it like being a Game Programmer?

We know what you’re thinking – “Surely, they’re a bit too chuffed with their own courses”. Well, we decided to pass the mic to the real stars: our students. This time, it’s the Futuregames Game Programmer crew sharing the scoop.

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listen to what our game programmers have to say

Below, you’ll find their honest takes and unfiltered opinions. It’s like getting a peek behind the curtain, but without any smoke and mirrors. Dive in to discover why joining our courses might just be the best plot twist in your personal adventure story. Spoiler alert: it’s not about debugging code!

Gustav Carlberg

“Futuregames, as a top-ranked school, was a given choice for me, having already completed another game development education and wanted to hone my programming skills. My studies taught me a great deal about collaborative and iterative work since Futuregames emphasizes group projects, which has been the highlight of my education.”Alice Kamil, Game Programmer student at Futuregames.

Alice Kamil

“Choosing Futuregames for my studies was a clear decision driven by the lineup of industry-experienced teachers and the school’s reputation. While I had other school acceptances, the opportunity to learn from my industry idols was a decisive factor.”

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