Post-Human Architect

A Methodology for Educating to Sustainable Social Innovation in Decentralized Areas

About the project

Post-Human Architect is an Erasmus+ project aimed at building and strengthening resilient and future-proof vocational education systems in decentralized areas, thereby increasing their attractiveness to young learners through the implementation of an innovative methodology based on the needs of small communities and promoting sustainable social innovation in these regions.

The methodology of the Post-Human Architect project, which is tailored to the needs of small communities, offers them an opportunity to develop skills that can be applied within their local context.
Changemaker Educations is the coordinator of the project, which brings together partners from Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Slovenia, and Italy.

Expected project results:

  • A Certification System: offering educators a certification recognized both nationally and internationally.
  • PHA Competences Framework: enabling students and educators to assess their skills.
  • A Methodology: providing tools and exercises to improve the skills identified in the framework.
  • An Educational Game: documenting the process of skill development.


27/02/2023: Press release about PHA competences framework


Coordinator: Futuregames (SE) (Changemaker Educations)

Project partners: 

Aalborg University (DK) 

Einurd (IS) 

Farm Cultural Park (IT) 

IC-Geoss (SLO) 

Sineglossa (IT) 


Post-Human Architect is an Erasmus+ project co-funded by the EU.

Start: 01-01-2021 – End: 01-01-2024 

Project number: 2021-1-SE01-KA220-VET-000028193 

Financing: 237 025 EUR  

Program: Erasmus+ 

Key Action: Partnership for cooperation in adult learning