Oskar Wahlström – a lighthouse at Futuregames Umeå
With hands-on experience from both consultancy work and independent game development, Oskar Wahlström brings invaluable industry insights to his role as a mentor at Futuregames Umeå.

Futuregames feature
“There is a strong sense of camaraderie among students, and it’s exciting to see how the programs are being welcomed and integrated into the local game industry while students are becoming more confident and engaged with the broader industry. Students organize game nights and often invite the game studios downstairs to join. They are also in the process of forming a student association. Their self-confidence in game development has noticeably grown since the start of the program.”
Oskar Wahlström
While client projects keep him deeply engaged in game dev, Oskar’s true passion lies in creating his own games through his company, Frostspektrum Interactive. Currently, he is fully immersed in bringing White Hook River to life on PC, with the game already listed on Steam. This blend of real-world experience and entrepreneurial drive makes him a guiding force for aspiring game developers.
Can you describe how your role as a mentor works?
– Like a lighthouse in the storm—I shouldn’t steer the boat. The students do. I am present in the classroom a few hours each week as a resource for students, providing guidance, support, feedback, and acting as a sounding board. This applies to everything from lectures and assignments to student collaboration and deep-dive game design. My role is to contribute my perspective, experience, and knowledge to elevate the quality of education and lay the foundation for outstanding game designers. The goal isn’t to give students black-and-white answers, but rather to help them develop strategies and approaches to problem-solving. I want them to build their own set of tools to tackle challenges in game design and development.
Keeping the game dev industry connection close
Since Oskar runs his own business, takes on consulting assignments in game development, and also develops games for both commercial purposes and as a hobby, there are many advantages to his mentorship.
– I have the opportunity to give students direct access to all these aspects. I am more than happy to share all my experiences so that they can recognize opportunities and avoid pitfalls. It’s also worth mentioning that I don’t grade assignments. That might sound unusual, but I believe it helps shift the focus of my mentorship away from simply checking boxes and toward game design in a broader sense. Another key aspect of my role is that I am physically present in the classroom, fostering an exchange that’s hard to replicate in online meetings. Plus, I work just one floor below, surrounded by other game developers—keeping the industry connection close at all times.

Things are taking off at Futuregames Umeå
The programs at Futuregames Umeå have only been running for just over a semester, but Oskar sees that things have already really started to take off.
– There is a strong sense of camaraderie among students, and it’s exciting to see how the programs are being welcomed and integrated into the local game industry while students are becoming more confident and engaged with the broader industry. Students organize game nights and often invite the game studios downstairs to join. They are also in the process of forming a student association. Their self-confidence in game development has noticeably grown since the start of the program. Students are now organizing their own game projects, some for the upcoming summer, and participating in game jams is becoming second nature to them.
Futuregames Umeå students are welcomed by the industry
What opportunities do students at Futuregames Umeå have to grow during their education—beyond the program itself? What access do they have to the local game dev industry?
– Creating their own game projects, either individually or by teaming up with other students. Collaboration between designers and programmers has become more common. They can also participate in various events held regularly to meet others and build connections. This helps them get a foot in the door and become involved in the local industry’s development. Many students in Umeå are actively seeking additional game projects or industry-related work outside of their studies.
– Students are welcomed and encouraged to attend meetings on local industry growth. Some have even participated as volunteers at a conference with international game investors, publishers, and developers. Through me, students have a direct link to the industry and are also encouraged to make their own connections. Some have even taken on extra roles, such as marketing and level design for game studios.

Momentum is building in Umeå
Looking ahead, Oskar reflects on what truly sets Umeå apart—not just in terms of education, but in the bigger picture of building a career in games:
– The proximity to studios and the industry. The openness. The connection to the university. There’s very little competition between local studios—instead, there’s a shared drive to expand and develop new opportunities. Students are also just steps away from a dozen smaller game studios, practically neighbors to the classroom. The exciting thing about Umeå right now is that a strong game development community is starting to take shape, along with increasing interest from the municipality, something that has been lacking in the past. Being part of this journey early on is one of the biggest opportunities in Umeå.
– I see Umeå as hungry for game development. It has a rich history in the field, but the infrastructure and support have been lacking. Now, that’s changing—and I can feel the momentum building!
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Oskar Wahlström – a lighthouse at Futuregames Umeå
With hands-on experience from both consultancy work and independent game development, Oskar Wahlström brings invaluable industry insights to his role as a mentor at Futuregames Umeå.