Futuregames Awards 2024 – a night to remember

The Futuregames Awards 2024 has come to an end, marking yet another unforgettable evening of celebration. This event was a well-deserved recognition of the dedication, creativity, and problem-solving skills demonstrated by our talented students over months of hard work.

The team behind the award-winning game Fear of the Light receives their prize on stage.

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Honoring Futuregames Talent in Game Development

See the competing games here

It was a night filled with innovation, collaboration, and the transformation of unique ideas into fully realized works of art—games.

Meet the Futuregames Awards 2024 Winners

Jury Choice Award

1. FleshBound

2. B.R.E.V

3. Untitled Skeleton Game


1. Vanhalla III

2. Fear of the Light

3. Atomancer


1. Reberryon

2. Untitled Skeleton Game

3. Sushi 2 Go


1. FleshBound

2. Not Today, Maybe Tomorrow

3. The Rodent’s Tale


1. My Landlord is an Alien

2. Sushi 2 Go

3. Knightmare Night


1. FleshBound

2. The Last Blue

3. Bonsai 98

Narrative Design

1. Not Today, Maybe Tomorrow

2. Untitled Skeleton Game

3. My Landlord is an Alien

Level Design

1. Orcosmica

2. B.R.E.V

3. Untitled Skeleton Game

Visual Effects

1. Shards of the Banished

2. Vanhalla III

3. Potion Paws

A Special Thanks to Changemakers

A huge appreciation goes to Changemakers, the dedicated members of the Futuregames Student Union, for organizing this exceptional event:

  • Timotheus Andersson
  • Kateryna Kryshchenko
  • Maks Törner
  • Dash C. Corning
  • Lilo Vincent
  • Barry Chen
  • Amir Adam A.

Their hard work and commitment made the Futuregames Awards 2024 a true celebration of talent, passion, and the future of game development.

Thanks also to our hosts, Quality Hotel Globe.

Last but not least, Ali Farha, whose spirit and dedication continue to make the Futuregames Awards an outstanding celebration.

Congratulations to all the winners and participants—your creativity and dedication continue to push the boundaries of the industry. We can’t wait to see what you create next!

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