
Level up your business!

We help organizations upskill and reskill their teams and leaders to better navigate the new normal.

Reach out to learn more about our tailor-made courses in Game Marketing, Agile Project Leading, Web development, UX design, and more.

Futuregames, a part of Changemaker Educations, has been running educations for over 25 years and educated several thousand people within the games, tech and creative industries. We started our journey in Stockholm, Sweden, and today have five hubs in Sweden (Stockholm, Gothenburg, Boden, Skellefteå, Karlstad) and one hub in Norway (Nordreisa). Futuregames has been named the second best game school in the world by The Rookies.

We work with and for the industry. Reach out to learn more about the courses we can offer your team within game development, game engines, game marketing, agile project leading, and more. Or if you want your organization to become more involved in the school through guest lecturers, internships, game projects, etc.

Recruitment & LIA

Recruitment & LIA

Fuel your team with talent from Futuregames. Take on a LIA student (intern) from Futuregames for 15 to 25 weeks.

Do you want to receive LIA students (interns)?

Get to know our students hands-on and fuel your team with new perspectives and ideas. An important part of our educational programs is the LIA period (internship) where the students get a chance to learn hands on from industry professionals. Are you interested in having a Futuregames’ student as an intern? Get in contact with the Head of Education for the program you are interested in and they’ll let the students know.

For their LIA internship our students will send you a personal letter, a CV and a link to their portfolio. You can book interviews directly with the students you are interested in meeting and choose who you’d like to bring onboard. We will then help you put together a LIA internship agreement that includes all the necessary information about responsibilities, roles, mentoring, etc.

Looking to hire someone?

Just get in touch directly with the Head of Education for the program you are interested in and we’ll help send out your job ad to the students.



Futuregames Meet-n-Greet is an essential part of our education. It gives the chance for games companies to meet our students, look at their work and make connections! Every year we expand the number of companies taking part who of course completely free of charge have the chance to get to know our students and see portfolios of their work.

We run our Meet-n-Greets every spring and autumn and any company wanting to take part can simply fill in the form in the link below, and we will get back to you with information about participating.


Guest Lecturer

Become a guest lecturer

Meet our students and help them on their journeys to become key players in the game industry. We are always interested to get in contact with industry professionals looking to give guest lectures at Futuregames.

To apply to become a guest lecturer you need to have experience of giving lecturers and have at least two years of documented working experience within your field. If you have experience of producing courses within the Higher Vocational Education system (Yrkeshögskolan), that’s even better.

Board of Education

Board of Education

Do you and your organization want to become part of the Board of Education on one of our programs?

Each of our educational programs has a Board of Education that helps guarantee the quality of our educations and helps us decide on everything from our admissions process to how we examine our students. The board meets twice per semester. One or more students from each class also take part.

Our boards consist of representatives from the industry, the business community, the public school system, universities, colleges, industry organizations and our students and staff. One of the board’s main tasks is to make sure that our educational programs meet the needs of the labor-market.

Contact us to learn more!


Our Partners

These are companies, who take our interns, are active in our educational board and advise us what should we teach you, so that our education responds market needs.

Contact us

Contact us today

Want to collaborate or have questions about Futuregames? Don't hesitate to reach out.

William Easton

Head of Futuregames